Our Program
Polba Sports AcademyEmpowering youth with skill in sports
Any sport increases cardiovascular fitness. healthy growth of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons. improved coordination and balance. a greater ability to physically relax and, therefore, avoid the complications of chronic muscular tension (such as headache or back ache). To be a fit person people need to be connected with any type of sport. And that is why Pobla Sports Academy empowers youths with the skill of sports. Here we train youths aged 5 to 15. And our coach is a professional national level player. Heer we provide training on volleyball, yoga, football, kabaddi. As our organization is very old and already has students, those are now established.
Encouraging gender equality and women’s empowerment
Together with many Olympic Movement stakeholders, the IOC has implemented significant gender equality initiatives so that girls and women around the world are being given greater access and opportunities to participate in sport. Remember that Pobla Sports Academy trains women too. We have different shifts for women players. Our training helds two times a day. For training women in sports professionally they are being professional too. They are also being established for their sports quota. We feel very happy to see their progress.
Health development
As we all know ‘Health is Wealth’. To let our society rise, we have to get up first. But if you are not in a well-healthy condition, you can not get up and do something for our society to make it better. In village and rural areas people are not so concerned about their health condition. And even there are no good facilities for treatment. A villager does not get proper treatment and the right medicines. Numerous villagers die without treatment. Pobla Sports Academyis here to serve better medical help to the people of villages and rural areas. We organize countless medical camps to provide routine health checkups to all needy people. They are being looked after by our professional doctors. Pobla Sports Academy provides required medicine and medical staff without any cost. If there is any critical case we refer the patient to any nearest hospital by our reference. Our members choose a specific area to organize camps and stay there for a week to cover all localities of that specific area. We aware the patients of medicine dosages and assure them of an easy recovery.
Educational Development
Education is the sharpest weapon that helps anyone to win every war. This is the prime right of every child of our nation. Though every child in our society is not getting an education. Unfortunately not every child in our society experiences school life, college life, etc. They do not get the opportunity to live in a polished society with the privileged one. At a very lower age, they start to fight against our society to have a two-time meal only. In this situation, education seems a luxury to them. To educate the poor children and give them a better life Pobla Sports Academy is here. We organize classes for the roadside and poor children. There we provide every type of educational help to the students. All subjects are being taught by our teachers. Our NGO provider required educational; tools too. These classes are arranged every week. We conduct exams as well. Students get to know about the necessity of education from their teachers. We make sure that every child is being literate.